Christina Aguilera cade fuori da una discoteca a Londra!

Creato il 06 ottobre 2011 da Whatthefuck @whatthefuckita

67837_ LONDON_ UNTITED KINGDOM  _ Wednesday October 5 2011.  Christina Aguilera and her 26_year_old boyfriend Matt Rutler leaving The Box night club at 4am in the morning in London. ___UK PAPERS OUT___ Photograph_ © __FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE__ __E_TABLET_IPAD _ MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES__ UK OFFICE__44 131 557 7760_7761 US OFFICE_1 310 261 9676

Probabilmente le avranno messo gli occhi addosso, anzi sulle scarpine dalla soletta rossa più famosa del mondo! Non è mica cascata perché era ubriachissima all’uscita di un locale alle 4 del mattino a Londra!

Alla tua età con un figlio piccolo non dovresti fare più certe cose, io non ci credo che eri urbiachella, secondo me te sei magnata tipo 100 maiali con contorno di lardo affumicato e noccioline e ti sei sentita male!

67837_ LONDON_ UNTITED KINGDOM  _ Wednesday October 5 2011.  Christina Aguilera and her 26_year_old boyfriend Matt Rutler leaving The Box night club at 4am in the morning in London. ___UK PAPERS OUT___ Photograph_ © __FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE__ __E_TABLET_IPAD _ MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES__ UK OFFICE__44 131 557 7760_7761 US OFFICE_1 310 261 967667837_ LONDON_ UNTITED KINGDOM  _ Wednesday October 5 2011.  Christina Aguilera and her 26_year_old boyfriend Matt Rutler leaving The Box night club at 4am in the morning in London. ___UK PAPERS OUT___ Photograph_ © __FEE MUST BE AGREED PRIOR TO USAGE__ __E_TABLET_IPAD _ MOBILE PHONE APP PUBLISHING REQUIRES ADDITIONAL FEES__ UK OFFICE__44 131 557 7760_7761 US OFFICE_1 310 261 9676


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