Non potevano quindi mancare dei bavaglini tutti dedicati al Natale, soprattutto se è il 1° Natale che un bimbo festeggia insieme a mamma e papà.
***That will be the economic crisis that is gripping our and other countries are reporting to old values and spend more time with their loved ones and friends and that we are rediscovering what is traditional with pleasure and affection, that will be Christmas is always associated with the red color ... but this year all of my Christmas decorations will be in this color.
So all the bibs celebrating the Christmas season could not miss, especially if it is the 1st Christmas that a child is celebrating with mum and dad.
Ho disegnato un set con 2 bavaglini con appliquè in lino. Sulla punta dell'albero ho messo uno Swarowsky.
I designed a set with two bibs with appliqué linen. On top of the tree I put one Swarowsky.