Per il mio outfit di Capodanno ho optato per un vestito vintage (anni '80, apparteneva a mia madre) in velluto con dettagli in pizzo trasparente. Io lo trovo molto carino. Si intravede anche l'intimo rosso di Capodanno =) Per le calzature invece ho scelto un paio di francesine made in italy. Ho messo anche una collana con un ciondolo con brillanti verde acqua, verde come la speranza. Che ne pensate di questo outfit ragazze?
Hello Wonders, how are you? to me today touches study = ( I have too much stuff! Public my outfit's Eve, I apologize for the photos, but in my family we are not of great photographers and use an Reflex is not so easy. For those who have these type of Professional machines and was the same at the beginning? For my new year's Eve outfit I opted for a dress vintage (1980s belonged to my mother) velvet with transparent lace details. I find it quite nice. There is also the intimate Red's Eve =) For footwear instead I chose a few oxfords made in italy. I put also a necklace with a pendant with bright teal, green as hope. What do you think of this outfit girls?
Un bacio
shortly begin sales, you girls what are you going to buy? I will publish soon a post about my shopping during sales! =)
A kiss