Magazine Creazioni

Colors Inspiration: green and beige

Da Shabbyandvintage

  Ciao amiche blogger,eccoci con un altro lunedì e quindi un altro appuntamento con i colori. Questo è l'abbinamento scelto per oggi e che vi propongo: verde e beige passando per gradazioni più chiare e più scure. Colors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beige
Colors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigeColors Inspiration: green and beigecredits: here
A domaniAlessandra

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