When I started this necklace I was at the sea. I had taken with me just a few poor things: some seed beads, and a piece of red leather. Nonetheless I decided to try something and I realized the first of a series of triangles. I think the triangle shape is a beautiful one! Once home I put them all together trying to overcome the rigidity of the triangular shape in order to obtain an harmonious item. Did I succeed in my purpose?
When I started this necklace I was at the sea. I had taken with me just a few poor things: some seed beads, and a piece of red leather. Nonetheless I decided to try something and I realized the first of a series of triangles. I think the triangle shape is a beautiful one! Once home I put them all together trying to overcome the rigidity of the triangular shape in order to obtain an harmonious item. Did I succeed in my purpose?
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