Nina Dobrev, famous star of The Vampire Diaries, the TV series that is depopulating in America but also in Italy, has become an icon of style, imitated around the world. Nina Dobrev has a very simple look, made of few accessories; she focuses her on the beauty of the dress and hair style; she doesn't use showy necklaces, but only earrings and sometimes the bag. The very light make up shines a face already beautiful natural. Nina Dobrev loves braids, and on her hair we often see them.

Nella foto in basso è semplice riprodurre le due trecce che incorniciano il viso; basta stirare i capelli e fare due trecce laterali unite sulla nuca da un elastico. Lo chignon con treccia sulla fronte è un po' più complicato, ma in rete ho trovato due video che possono esservi d'aiuto. Potrete provare anche voi a copiare la pettinatura di Nina Dobrev; in pochi minuti avrete una pettinatura meravigliosa, ideale per una serata all'insegna del divertimento, per un'occasione importante, oppure per un incontro romantico. Cosa ne pensate?
In the below picture is simple to copy the two braids framing the face; you must straight your hair and make two side braids joined by a neck strap. The braided updo is more difficult, but on web I found two videos that can help you. You can also try to copy the hairstyle of Nina Dobrev; in a few minutes you will have a beautiful hair, perfect for an evening of fun, for an important occasion, or for a romantic meeting. What do you think?