WORK IN PROGRESS - questo è il lavoro di Simona su progetto di Renèe Mullins, e il risultato è decisamente soddisfacente!!!!
La seconda novità... a Ottobre iniziano le scuole, si va verso la stagione autunnale/invernale, aumentano gli impegni e il tempo inizia a peggiorare... Che ne pensate allora di dare un bel tocco di colore al grigiore della stagione fredda??? Preparate: Diari, Agende, Stivali in gomma, ombrellini, borse da ginnastica, e qualsiasi altra cosa vogliate RENDERE ASSOLUTAMENTE UNICA!!! Countryzzeremo e rallegreremo la stagione fredda con bellissimi progetti di Sandra Malone, Shara Reiner, Odile Massicotte e MIEI!!!
A fine Settembre sarà in uscita anche il CD "MODE ET BON BON" con bellissimi progetti Decorative Painting da realizzare comodamente a casa vostra e i 2 nuovi patterns dei progetti esclusivi che presenterò a CREATTIVA, dove sarò ospite dello stand di CREARE INSIEME!!!
Happy Painting to you all A presto Bisous
Hello you all, first you should thank and welcome to new friends who have joined the blog! First nice novelty that will welcome you back from vacation. I often receive emails that ask for explanations or information about products, techniques that you can not repeat, etc.. So I decided to answer your questions IN CHAT! I'll be chatting from September 5, every Monday and Thursday from 10 to 12 on my facebook page! My link: http://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=1282361984 I'll be waiting! WORK IN PROGRESS - this is Simona's work, designed by Renee Mullins, and the result is very satisfying!! The second new feature ... October to start school, you go to the autumn / winter, increase the commitments and the weather begins to deteriorate ... What do you think then give a nice touch of color to the grayness of winter?? Prepare: Journals, Diaries, rubber boots, umbrellas, handbags sneakers, and anything else we want to make ABSOLUTELY UNIQUE! Countryzzeremo the cold season, and rejoice with beautiful designs by Sandra Malone, Shara Reiner, Odile Massicotte and MINE! At the end of September will be also released the CD "MODE ET BON BON" Decorative Painting with beautiful projects to be implemented in your own home and two new patterns of exclusive projects that come before CREATTIVA, where I'll be a guest of the stand to CREARE INSIEME! I'M WAITING FOR YOU NUMEROUS AS USUAL full of energy to face a new year COUNTRY!! Happy Painting to You All At soon Bisous ►