Coventry Transport Museum

Da Rudebarber

Questa estate il ritorno dei rockers è al Coventry Transport Museum e l’Ace café presenta questa nuova mostra che racconta come  lo stesso sia diventato un’icona internazionale e come i suoi clienti hanno ridefinito il significato di essere adolescenti negl’anni ’50 e ’60.

Ideato come un bar per “camionisti” durante gli anni ’30, L’Ace Cafe situato sulla North Circular Road di Londra, negl’anni ‘50 divenne velocemente il luogo di ritrovo dei motociclisti, la destinazione preferita dei giovani che si incontravano per ascoltare musica rock ‘n’ roll, ed in sella ai loro ferri bruciavano le strade facendo il “The Ton” la magica velocità.
Questi giovani Rockers erano spavaldi  e pericolosi, il loro stile di vita influenzò la moda, la musica e moto di quei tempi.

In occasione del “Coming Of Age At The Ace Cafe”, l’Ace ha magnificamente ricreato se stesso all’interno del museo, riempiendolo di moto, vestiti e storie dei legendari anni ’50 e ’60.
Sarà una lunga e calda estate di moto, velocità e rock ‘n’ roll !

This Summer, the Rockers return as Coventry Transport Museum and Ace Cafe London present a new exhibition telling the story of how a London transport cafe became an international icon, and how the cafe's customers redefined what it meant to be a teenager in the 1950s and 60s. 
Planned as a transport cafe for lorry drivers during the 1930s, the Ace Cafe on London's North Circular Road quickly became a place where motorbike riders gathered.  In the 1950s the Ace became the destination for a new breed of motorcycle riders; teenagers who met there to listen to rock 'n' roll, and to burn up the road doing The Ton - the magic speed.
They were daring and dangerous, and their lifestyle has influenced fashion, music and motorbikes ever since.
For Coming Of Age At The Ace Cafe, the cafe itself is lovingly recreated inside the Museum, filled with bikes, clothes and stories from the 1950's and 60's - it's going to be a long hot summer of motorbikes, speed and rock 'n' roll!
Click here to see images from the launch & the gallery itself, by Haydn Bailey.  Photo above by David Woodings.
List of motorcycles on display (pdf)
List of musical instruments on display (pdf)
Read what other visitors think of the exhibition
You can also win a full size Pinball Machine by entering our competition which is running concurrently with the Ace Cafe gallery. Simply answer the question...the answer is inside the gallery and then hand your entry into the Reception desk. The winner will be drawn and notified after the closing date of the Ace Cafe gallery on Sunday 2nd October.
per person
Family Ticket (up to 5 people, no more than 2 adults)   £8
Enjoy a 20% discount on any Esquire's Coffee Menu beverage with a valid Ace Cafe Gallery ticket - Redeemable on day of visit

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