at first sight, indeed ... did not seem very suitable
to my taste, and instead some time later, when I bought
someone, I'm very impressed, I like
much to their geometry, for the great variety of products on the market,
for adaptability to any style ....
They match very well, with jacket and pants for a simple style and sophisticated
with shorts and T-shirt style for a more youthful and fun,
with an evening dress, short enough to choose the right model and
The astonishing effect is guaranteed!Ecco alcune proposte:mi piace molto per un {look da donna forte}, da mettere con una giaccanera o di un colore d'impatto come giallo o fuxia...I really like for the {look of a strong woman} to put with a jacket
black or a color like yellow or fuchsia impact ...
Rick Owens:resina brunita in oro e argento..burnished-gold and silver resin...Lo trovate sul sito <<qui>>, con il 50% di scontoYou can find it on the site <<qui>>, with 50% sale
Con gli animali, ma sempre molto forte come stile sono i bracciali della collezione di swell, da 130€ in su, molto interessanti, sia come materiali,sia come rielaborazione del tema animali...With animals, but always as a very strong style, are the collection of bracelets
of swell, from 130 € up, very interesting, both as a material,
and as a reworking of the theme of animal ...
Philippe Audibert, per le sue creazioni si ispira alla cultura eclettica del quartiere Saint Germain, dove vive a Parigi.Dopo 20 di sperimentazioni utilizzando svariati materiali tra cui lo smalto e la resina,si concentra sui metalli preziosi...{link}Philippe Audibert, for her creations inspired by the eclectic
of Saint Germain, where he lives in Paris
After 20 trials using a variety of materials including enamel and resin,
focuses on precious metals ...{link}