Il team CyanogenMod 10 ha reso disponibile la CM 10 Nightly 20121031 che porta con sé diverse novità incluso il supporto allo smartphone LG Optimus Dual P990. Ho avuto modo di recensire su Chimera Revo la versione del 27 ottobre, e confermo che la stabilità è ottima sotto ogni punto di vista.
I consumi della batteria sono molto interessanti e siamo finalmente tornati a livelli ottimi dopo un breve periodo non eccezionale a causa del passaggio frettoloso da Android 4.1.1 ad Android 4.1.2.
Per chi fosse curioso di vedere le novità delle ultime versioni riporto il changelog qui di seguito:
Add p990 to build targets (android_vendor_cm)
Navbar : Rework logic for determining orientation (android_frameworks_base)
Update Russian Translation-Expanded desktop-CM10 (android_frameworks_base)
Update Russian Translation-Mms-CM10 (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Mms: Updated italian translation (android_packages_apps_Mms)
Update Russian Translation-Settings-CM10 (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Simplified Chinese translations (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Mms: Simplified Chinese translations (android_packages_apps_Mms)
es_ES: Added new translation (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Fix capitalization (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Update Dutch translation (android_packages_apps_Email)
tuna: enable expanded desktop feature (android_device_samsung_tuna)
Expanded desktop capability (2/2) (android_frameworks_base)
Allow to hide Expanded Desktop (1/2) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Restore correct volumes when headset is plugged (android_frameworks_base)
frameworks/base: Fix for UI freeze issue with headset insert/removal (android_frameworks_base)
PhoneWindowManager: Release wakelock after headset detection. (android_frameworks_base)
frameworks/base: Fix for headset switch detect (android_frameworks_base)
EventHub: Modify the keyboard layout file name for headset button (android_frameworks_base)
frameworks/base: Add support for wired headset detection (android_frameworks_base)
Added missing hungarian translation (android_packages_apps_Settings)
es_ES: Added new translations (android_packages_apps_Settings)
PT-BR: Added missing translations (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Settings: Updated italian translation (android_packages_apps_Settings)
German: Update translation (android_packages_apps_Settings)
Update Russian Translation-Settings-CM10 (android_packages_apps_Settings)
fix for NullPointerException (android_packages_apps_Apollo)
LocationManagerService: The "value" was used as a Map.remove(key) method parameter. (android_frameworks_base)
Changed the way that date format selector is shown (revision) (android_packages_apps_Settings)
CircleBattery: Revamped charging animation (android_frameworks_base)
Per il download della CyanogenMod 10 versione 20121031 per Galaxy Nexus recatevi a questo indirizzo: http://get.cm/?device=maguro&type=nightly