Magazine Tecnologia
Dead Island : patch già al day-one, ecco i dettagli
Creato il 05 settembre 2011 da Notizieplaystation @Notizie_PSFatto sta che Dead Island avrà subito una patch, il giorno dell'uscita. Il log completo è decisamente lungo e fa pensare... speriamo che almeno sistemi tutto :
Fixed map synchronization when player joins during map load.Fixed saving player re-spawn position when playing in co-op mode.Fixed occasional inability to complete sidequests in Laboratory.Improved enemy awareness (zombies).Fixed occasional bug with NPC’s hands bend (IK)Fixed spawning enemies in some quests after joining co-op game.Fixed showing locations on invisible NPCs.Fixed potential path blocker when quest “Knockin’ on heaven’s door” was completed before talking to Dominik during the “On the air” quest.Fixed displaying gather rings near some doors.Fixed enemy reaction to fire.Fixed enemies’ health and stamina bars in co-op.Fixed filtering of games in lobby.Volume of pickup’s engine has been increased.Fixed a number of issues causing game instability.Fixed the switching of maps upon player death.Fixed enemies unable to reach the player on some arenas.Thrown items cannot be picked up by co-op players for five minutes.Items from freshly opened containers cannot be picked up by other players for five seconds to prevent theft.Fixed animation glitch when trading with team members.More than one player can use a ladder at the same time.Fixed stomping execution animation when target’s attacked by a second player.Fixed the infinite respawning of shooting enemies.Fixed not hiding menu if players die inside a vehicle.Fixed item level calculation when playing New Game Plus.Added information about players requesting pause in co-op.Fixed A.I. animation glitch after fast-traveling or using a map portal.Added distinction between quest checkpoints and other types of saves.Fixed bug causing all inventory to disappear.Fixed reloading and kicking. After the clip goes in, the reload is a success.Purna can gain bonus rage from both “Grim Inspiration” and “Inspiring Kick”.Only “Walker” type enemies increase the extra XP of the “Combo” skill from Xian’s Survival skill tree.Health regeneration is disabled during grabs.Focus on items in shops not changing after selling or buying.More HP for NPCs in escort missions.Butcher enemies won’t spawn at all during escort missions (hooray!)Fixed tracking after loading checkpoint.Increased minimum vertical distance to count a waypoint as passed for NPCs (they no longer wander back-and-forth).
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