Magazine Cultura

Dead Sara - Weatherman - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 04 ottobre 2012 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,dead sara,video dead sara,testi dead sara,traduzioni dead sara

L'omonimo disco d'esordio "Dead Sara" è uscito nei mesi scorsi trainato dal buon successo del singolo "Weatherman".Un po' in ritardo ma anche da noi arriva il brano della band hard-rock californiana,una scarica di adrenalina originata soprattutto dalla voce di Emily Armstrong,un mix di innocenza e seduzione.



His skin was soft as leather
I'm the weatherman
No one else more dedicated
I'm the weatherman
Well, hey kid
You got the right
But the choice to kill
No, Son of Sam
Will let you in to turn against
Addicted to the love of ourselves
I'm the weatherman
I tell no one else
I'm the weatherman
So go for the kill
Cause no one else cares
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
His skin was soft as leather
I'm the weatherman
There's no on else worth the dedication
I'm the weatherman
Cause hey kid
You got the heart without the ache
Pretentious thieves
Have you believe it's theirs to take
Addicted to the love of ourselves
I'm the weatherman
And tell no one else
I'm the weatherman
So go for the kill
Cause no one else cares
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
For here's the history we make
For luck of our Fathers
(If I could be anywhere I wouldn't be here)
No future or good night
(If I could be anywhere I wouldn't be here)
No future fans
(If I could be anywhere I wouldn't be here)
I sing for the melody and I sing for a reason
And I'll sing as the neglect for all that un-American
So go for the kill
Cause no one else cares
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill, Go for the kill
Go for the kill


Voto 6/10


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