Fearnet ha intervistato Charlaine Harris riguardo il suo nuovo libro, il dodicesimo volume della serie dedicata a Sookie Stackhouse. Ecco due estratti interessanti:
Q: I’m sure you’ve been asked this before, but could you talk about what the twelfth novel will involve?
A: It’s called Deadlocked. It’s another extension of her adventures, moving a step forward to resolve many of the issues that are brought up in previous books. She gets kidnapped – you know, the usual mayhem. She gets kidnapped, she has to get out of it. The Fey entry into her life is pretty much wrapped up. She learns a lot more about everything really. She learns a lot in this book, the truth. So it was a challenging book to write, and I tried to keep it on track more as a mystery.
Q: Even though Sookie is a mature woman, do you view the entire series, on one level, as a coming-of-age story?
A: The growth of her character is definitely a major part of the novels, but I wouldn’t call it coming-of-age. She’s a twenty-six year-old woman. But she certainly becomes worldlier, more aware of the other worlds around her. She’s always known what human nature was like, because she’s telepathic. Which is kind of a bitter pill to swallow. But she learns how to live with a lot of things, and what she can’t live with.
Sembra essere davvero l’anno della maturità per Sookie: nel dodicesimo libro conoscerà la verità su molte cose, sui mondi che la circondano oltre al suo del quale già sa molto grazie ai suoi poteri. In Deadlocked verrà chiuso il capitolo delle fate e, tanto per non farci mancare nulla, Sookie verrà rapita.
Promette davvero bene, cosa ne dite?