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Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates

Creato il 20 ottobre 2014 da Eleonorademe

Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Hi Everyone!!!! Some days ago  I was invited from my friend Roberta Wilco to do for her birthday a manicure inspired by Diwali. Diwali is an ancient Hindu festival  also known as  the "festival of lights" celebrated in autumn every year. The festival spiritually signifies the victory of light over darkness. I think it's a lovely festival full of spirituality!!! I simply applied a bright holo polish (F.U.N. Lacquer "Margarita Cocktail") that reminds the lights. I stamped paisley images  with VL-2 plate on thumb and ring finger and fireworks  with Konad m99 on index finger.   While,  on pinky and middle finger I applied some homemade decals that depict the Diwali. Finally I did a LeadLight using permanent markers. I conclude by wishing a happy birthday to my friend and a happy Diwali to all Indians!!! ♥
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Ciao a tutti !!!! Alcuni giorni fa sono stato invitata dalla mia amica Roberta Wilco a fare per il suo compleanno una manicure ispirata al Diwali. Diwali è una antica festa indù conosciuta anche come la "festa delle luci" celebrata in autunno ogni anno. Il festival significa spiritualmente la vittoria della luce sulle tenebre. Penso che sia una bella festa piena di spiritualità!!! Ho applicato uno smalto holo luminoso (F.U.N. Lacquer "Margarita Cocktail") che ricorda le luci. Ho timbrato delle immagini paisley con la piastra VL-2  sul pollice e sull'anulare e dei fuochi d'artificio con Konad M99 sull'indice. Mentre, sul mignolo e sul medio ho applicato alcuni decals fatti in casa che raffigurano il Diwali. Infine ho fatto un Leadlight utilizzando pennarelli indelebili. Concludo augurando un felice compleanno alla mia amica e un felice Diwali a tutti gli indiani!!! ♥
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL Plates
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesDiwali Festival
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesF.U.N. Lacquer "Margarita Cocktail" and Konad black
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesPermanent Markers
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesAliexpress VL-2
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesKonad m99
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesWhat I used:
Diwali Festival Manicure With Konad And VL PlatesCosa ho Usato:
  1. Base: F.U.N. Lacquer Margarita Cocktail
  2. LeadLight: Permanent Markers
  3. Stamping Plates: Aliexpress VL-2 and Konad m99
  4. Stamping Special Polish: Konad black
  5. Home-made decal: Diwali images stamped with my printer inkjet on paper tattoo.
  6. Top coat: Essence Quick Dry and then Essence Gel Look

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