L’opera di Van Vliet è un’ode al deserto, all’antropomorfismo di animali e oggetti; forse un atto di accusa alla Società degli Uomini, con cui l’artista ha sempre incontrato insormontabili difficoltà di comunicazione. Perfetta sintonia esiste invece tra i quadri e i testi di molte canzoni, sempre caratterizzati da precise aggettivazioni riguardanti colori, forme e movimenti.

Don Van Vliet Ghost Red Wire (1967) Olio su masonite 61 x 61 cm

Don Van Vliet Senza Titolo (1967) Olio su legno 110 x 56cm
Around the corner the wind blew back follow the yellow brick road It ended up in black on black I was taught the gift of love Smiling children painted joy sunshine bright girl and boy bag of trick s and candy sticks peppermint kite for my toy Yellow brick black on black Keep on walking and don't look back
(Yellow Brick Road, Safe as Milk, 1967)

Don Van Vliet When She Dropped The Flower (1969) Acrilico e pastello su vetro 157 x 55.5cm
Un aspetto interessante dell’opera di Van Vliet è il rapporto con lo spazio vuoto dello sfondo, ritenuto dall’artista ancora più interessante del primo piano, in quanto ognuno poteva immaginarvi i propri colori e le proprie forme.
There's ole Gray with 'er dove-winged hat Threre's ole Green with her sewing machine Where's the bobbin at? Tote'n old grain in uh printed sack The dust blows forward 'n dust blows back And the wind blows black thru the sky And the smokestack blows up in suns eye What am I gonna die? Uh white flake riverboat just flew by Bubbles popped big 'n uh lipstick Kleenex hung on uh pointed forked twig Reminds of the bobby girls Never was my hobby girls Hand full uh worms and uh pole fishin' Cork bobbin' like uh hot red bulb 'n uh blue jay squeaks His beak open an inch above uh creek Gone fishin' for a week Well I put down my bush 'n I took of my pants 'n felt free The breeze blowin' up me 'n up the canyon Far as I could see It's night now and the moon looks like uh dandelion It's black now 'n the blackbird's feedin' on rice 'n his red wings look diamonds 'n lice I can hear the mice toes scamperin' Gophers rumblin' in pile crater rock hole One red bean stuck in the bottom of uh tin bowl Hot coffee from uh krimpt up can Me 'n my girl named Bimbo Limbo Spam
(Van Vliet - The Dust Blows Forward And The Dust Blows Back, Trout Mask Replica, 1969)

Don Van Vliet Ming Move (1985) Olio e inchiostro su tela 213.4 x 152.4 cm
A Tin Peened Reindeer
A tin peened reindeer Metalically hoofed on glass Scorched cotton snowmen edged the corners Flesh coloured powder mountains Yellow lights melts cobwebbed articles Vague wire tunnels resembling Peeled flesh caterpillers Housing very tiny red Christmas tree lights The Nativity scene Re-enacted in Ivory soap A bone shade from age complete With tiny straw manger The Christ child its face replaced by an elephant's head Intricate lace cups each ear and bands the trunk
(Van Vliet, 1987)

Don Van Vliet Dry Morning Wind That Jingle Like Fish Bones (1987) Olio su tela 213 x 152 cm

Don Van Vliet China Pig (1986-‘87) Olio su tela 260 x 193cm
China Pig, prima del quadro, è il titolo di una canzone di Trout Mask Replica: un blues asfittico ispirato alla tradizione acustica del delta del Mississippi.
I don't wanna kill my china pig No I don't Uh man's gotta live Uh man's gotta eat Uh man's gotta have shoes t' walk out on the street I don't wanna kill my china pig Ell he was uh baby I want yuh t' see I don't wanna kill my china pig Well I used t' go t' school With uh' little red box 'n I used to have m' pig go with me We walked for blocks I don't wanna kill my china pig His tail curled five times in uh circle round It's glazed He's got uh slot in his back flowers grow My china pig be uh quite uh show I don't wanna kill my china pig Woe no My china pig I got him by the snout 'n I takes him by the cuff 'n I whipped out m' fork 'n I poked at um Three hairs laid out on m' floor I remember my china pig I fed the neighborhood It was uh big neighborhood Uh lot uh people liked my pig One little girl used t' put her fingers in his snout I put uh fork in his back I didn't wanna kill my china pig
(Van Vliet – China Pig, Trout Mask Replica, 1969)