Magazine Cultura

Download Podcast : Lieske Spindler Guitars play Albeniz

Creato il 22 gennaio 2014 da Empedocle70
Download Podcast :  Lieske Spindler Guitars play Albeniz
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Questa sera ascolteremo il duo Lieske Spindler, composto dai chitarristi Wulfin Lieske e Fabian Spindler, eseguire arrangiamenti per chitarra di brani composti da Isaac Albèniz, disco eccellente uscito nel 2009 per la Challenging Records.

Tonight we will hear duo Lieske Spindler, guitarists Wulfin Lieske and Fabian Spindler, perform guitar arrangements of passages composed by Isaac Albeniz, in an excellent record released in 2009 for the Challenging Records.

Puntate e Podcast: I° anno

Puntate e Podcast: II° anno
Puntate e Podcast: III° anno

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