We will have to wait until September to see the whole advertising campaign, but the first pictures of Emma Watson on the set for the Trésor Midnight Rose video have recently started circulating on the web.
Lancôme ha scelto proprio lei come ambasciatrice per la sua nuova fragranza. La bellissima Emma è stata affiancata dall'attore francese Cyril Descours e lo spot è stato filmato (ovviamente a Parigi) da Mario Testino.
Lancôme chose her as the new ambassadress for its new fragrance. The beautiful Emma was flanked by the French actor Cyril Descours and the spot was shot (in Paris, of course) by Mario Testino.
Qui sotto, un making-of-video con un'intervista a Emma Watson.
You can find a making-of-video with an interview with Emma Watson below.