Sono troppo vecchia e stanca per bloggare decentemente, bear with me u_u"
Per farmi perdonare, ho fatto una mini-selezione di cosine bellissime trovate su Etsy.
Ho in programma una serie di post con diversi temi, quindi stay tuned!
E naturalmente se avete dei negozi etsy preferiti siete tenuti a condividere! u_u
Wood bunny brooch by tabidesigns
Horse and Pony babydoll by repurposefulpunk
HELLO speech bubble brooch by louloudo
Nerds are Hot Barbie cameo earrings by PinkHelloKitty
Les petites douceurs print by evajuliet
Poodle cameo earrings by imyourpresent
Mmmm Hot Chocolate mug by belleandboo
Unicorn stickers by ZambiCandy
Vintage Circus earrings by eelizabeth
Crocheted acorns by berryspite
Irriverent Squirrel notebook by notebooksetc
I know, I've been a terrible blogger lately u_u"
So I'm making a series of Etsy posts with different themes!
I love wandering through etsy shops and I always find lots of awesome stuff, so I thought I might as well share them with the world! Hopefully it'll help me to post a little bit more.
What are your favourite etsy shops? :3