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F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

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Silverstone, 5 luglio 2014 – Il pilota Mercedes, Nico Rosberg, ha ottenuto la pole position per il Gran Premio d’Inghilterra, utilizzando gli pneumatici P Zero White medium, nominati a Silverstone insieme ai P Zero Orange hard. Ma il protagonista di oggi è stato, soprattutto, il Cinturato Green intermediate, utilizzato durante una sessione di qualifiche quanto mai caratterizzata da meteo variabile; tant’è che in pista si sono viste gomme dure, medie, intermedie e wet.

Rosberg ha valutato alla perfezione il fattore meteo, ed ha approfittato di una pista quasi asciutta per andare ad agguantare la pole proprio nella fasi finali della qualifica, con un margine notevole di 1,6 secondi dalla Red Bull di Sebastian Vettel.

Le qualifiche sono iniziate sul bagnato, dopo la pioggia della notte. Quindi, tutte le monoposto hanno montato gomme intermedie per la Q1. Con pista più asciutta i piloti sono passati a gomme medie, prima che cominciasse ancora a piovere.

Questo è stato l’andamento di tutta la qualifica: nella Q2 i piloti sono partiti con le intermedie per poi passare alle medium verso la fine: questo schema si è ripetuto anche nella Q3.

Anche se quando i piloti sono passati alle medie la pista non era ancora completamente asciutta, proprio la mescola media ha permesso a Rosberg di segnare il miglior tempo (con solo un secondo di differenza rispetto a quello che aveva fatto registratre ieri, con pista completamente asciutta).

Anche l’ultima sessione di prove libere di questa mattina si è tenuta sotto la pioggia. Vettel è stato il più veloce, davanti al suo compagno di squadra Daniel Ricciardo, entrambi con gomme intermedie.

Il Direttore Motorsport Pirelli, Paul Hembery, ha commentato:

“Le qualiche di oggi sono state molto complesse a casusa del tempo variabile. E’ stato fondamentale riuscire a valutare il punto di crossover e il livello di grip in continua evoluzione. Infatti, abbiamo avuto delle sorprese nella composizione della griglia. Per domani, prevediamo due soste.”

Le previsioni di strategia Pirelli:

I 52 giri del Gran Premio d’Inghilterra possono essere affrontati con una strategia a due soste, anche se alcuni piloti che partiranno dalle ultime posizioni in griglia potranno tentare una sola sosta. Secondo la nostra previsione, la strategia più veloce è medium-medium-hard, con cambi al 23° e al 45° giro.

Anche una strategia a tre soste potrebbe funzionare (medium-medium-medium-hard) con cambi al 18°, al 34° e al 51°giro. Ma questa rischia di bloccare i piloti nel traffico delle ultime fasi di gara.

Mescole più veloci nella FP3:

Vettel    1m52.522s Intermedie
Ricciardo 1m52.631s Intermedie
Maldonado 1m53.044s Intermedie

Gomme usate dai top 10:

Rosberg    1m35.766s Medie
Vettel     1m37.386s Medie
Button     1m38.200s Medie
Hulkenberg 1m38.329s Medie
Magnussen  1m38.417s Medie
Hamilton   1m39.232s Medie
Perez      1m40.457s Medie
Ricciardo  1m40.606s Medie
Kvyat      1m40.707s Medie
Vergne     1m40.855s Medie

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Sebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault,Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1311

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Sebastian Vettel Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nSebastian Vettel, Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault,Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1311","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Nico Rosberg, Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1503

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Nico Rosberg Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Nico Rosberg Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"10","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nNico Rosberg, Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1503","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"115","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.003125","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Nico Hulkenberg, Force India VJM07 Mercedes,Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1830

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Nico Hulkenberg Force India VJM07 Mercedes" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Nico Hulkenberg Force India VJM07 Mercedes" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"32","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nNico Hulkenberg, Force India VJM07 Mercedes,Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1830","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"50","shutter_speed":"0.2","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Max Chilton, Marussia MR03 Ferrari, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1743

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Max Chilton Marussia MR03 Ferrari" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Max Chilton Marussia MR03 Ferrari" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5.6","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nMax Chilton, Marussia MR03 Ferrari, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1743","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014. Fernando Alonso, Ferrari F14T, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1377

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Fernando Alonso Ferrari F14T" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Fernando Alonso Ferrari F14T" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"16","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. Fernando Alonso, Ferrari F14T, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1377","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Felipe Massa, Williams FW36 Mercedes, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1543

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Felipe Massa Williams FW36 Mercedes" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Felipe Massa Williams FW36 Mercedes" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"22","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nFelipe Massa, Williams FW36 Mercedes, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1543","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Nico Rosberg, Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1745

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ1745" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ1745" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nNico Rosberg, Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1745","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"200","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Jenson Button, McLaren Mercedes, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1810

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ1810" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ1810" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nJenson Button, McLaren Mercedes, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1810","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"170","iso":"250","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Grid girls, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1934

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ1934" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ1934" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4.5","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nGrid girls, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1934","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"145","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Adrian Sutil, Sauber C33 Ferrari, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1380

" data-orig-size="533,800" data-image-title="Adrian Sutil Sauber C33 Ferrari" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Adrian Sutil Sauber C33 Ferrari" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nAdrian Sutil, Sauber C33 Ferrari, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1380","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"70","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.001","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Daniel Ricciardo, Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1507

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Daniel Ricciardo Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"20","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nDaniel Ricciardo, Red Bull Racing RB10 Renault, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1507","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Daniil Kvyat, Toro Rosso STR9 Renault, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1597

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Daniil Kvyat Toro Rosso STR9 Renault" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Daniil Kvyat Toro Rosso STR9 Renault" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"13","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nDaniil Kvyat, Toro Rosso STR9 Renault, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1597","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.01","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Getty Photographers, Vladimir Rys and Mark Thompson, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY1856

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONY1856" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONY1856" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"6.3","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nGetty Photographers, Vladimir Rys and Mark Thompson, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY1856","created_timestamp":"1404518400","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
Fernando-Alonso_PL_BritishGP_2014 (2)
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Susie Wolff, Williams F1 Team, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY0418

" data-orig-size="533,800" data-image-title="Susie Wolff_Williams" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Susie Wolff_Williams" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nSusie Wolff, Williams F1 Team, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY0418","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"200","iso":"400","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Susie Wolff, Williams FW36 Mercedes, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY9398

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Susie Wolff Williams FW36 Mercedes" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Susie Wolff Williams FW36 Mercedes" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"9","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nSusie Wolff, Williams FW36 Mercedes, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY9398","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0025","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Max Chilton, Marussia MR03 Ferrari, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0535

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Max Chilton Marussia MR03 Ferrari" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Max Chilton Marussia MR03 Ferrari" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"25","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nMax Chilton, Marussia MR03 Ferrari, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0535","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"70","iso":"125","shutter_speed":"0.0125","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Williams F1 mechanics, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1085

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ1085" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ1085" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nWilliams F1 mechanics, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1085","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Daniel Juncadella , Force India VJM07 Mercedes,Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0416

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Daniel Juncadella Force India VJM07 Mercedes" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Daniel Juncadella Force India VJM07 Mercedes" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"14","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nDaniel Juncadella , Force India VJM07 Mercedes,Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0416","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"35","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.005","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Fernando Alonso, Ferrari F14T, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0919

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Fernando Alonso Ferrari F14T" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Fernando Alonso Ferrari F14T" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"20","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nFernando Alonso, Ferrari F14T, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0919","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"700","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.02","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Fernando Alonso, Ferrari, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ1192

" data-orig-size="533,800" data-image-title="Fernando Alonso Ferrari" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Fernando Alonso Ferrari" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nFernando Alonso, Ferrari, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ1192","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0005","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Kevin Magnussen, McLaren MP4-29 Mercedes, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0748

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Kevin Magnussen McLaren MP4-29 Mercedes" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Kevin Magnussen McLaren MP4-29 Mercedes" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nKevin Magnussen, McLaren MP4-29 Mercedes, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0748","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"16","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.0004","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Lewis Hamilton, Mercedes AMG, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0679

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Lewis Hamilton Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid_02" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Lewis Hamilton Mercedes F1 W05 Hybrid_02" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"22","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nLewis Hamilton, Mercedes AMG, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0679","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"16","iso":"200","shutter_speed":"0.033333333333333","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Pirelli engineer, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0720

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ0720" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ0720" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"4","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nPirelli engineer, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0720","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"18","iso":"500","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />
F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Pirelli tyres, Portrait,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONZ0555

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="_ONZ0555" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="_ONZ0555" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"5","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nPirelli tyres, Portrait, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONZ0555","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"200","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />




F1 Report Pirelli: Qualifiche GP Inghilterra 2014

2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd – 5th July 2014.
Romain Grosjean, Lotus E22 Renault, Action,
World Copyright: © Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.
Ref: _ONY9624

" data-orig-size="800,533" data-image-title="Romain Grosjean Lotus E22 Renault" data-orig-file="" class="attachment-thumbnail" data-comments-opened="1" data-large-file="" alt="Romain Grosjean Lotus E22 Renault" data-image-meta="{"aperture":"8","credit":"Andrew Hone","camera":"Canon EOS-1D X","caption":"2014 Formula One British Grand Prix, Silverstone International Race Circuit, Towcester, Northampton, Great Britain, 3rd - 5th July 2014. \nRomain Grosjean, Lotus E22 Renault, Action, \nWorld Copyright: \u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer 2014.\nRef: _ONY9624","created_timestamp":"1404432000","copyright":"\u00a9 Andrew Hone Photographer","focal_length":"500","iso":"100","shutter_speed":"0.002","title":""}" data-medium-file="" />

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