While I was in Fuerteventura I tried the Fish Pedicures: it's a pedicure in the water where a multitude of small fish such as "Garra Rufa" fish doctor, taking care of our feet and hands At first I was a little hesitant, the idea that my feet will be "attacked" by many fish disturbed me, but has proved a wonderful relaxing experience! After the treatment the skin is really more soft, purified and velvety Some of you have already tried the Fish Pedicures??
While I was in Fuerteventura I tried the Fish Pedicures: it's a pedicure in the water where a multitude of small fish such as "Garra Rufa" fish doctor, taking care of our feet and hands At first I was a little hesitant, the idea that my feet will be "attacked" by many fish disturbed me, but has proved a wonderful relaxing experience! After the treatment the skin is really more soft, purified and velvety Some of you have already tried the Fish Pedicures??
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