Magazine Cultura

Flux Pavilion feat. Example - Daydreamer - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 10 maggio 2012 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,flux pavilion,artisti emergenti,video flux pavilion,testi flux pavilion,traduzioni flux pavilion,example

Joshua Steele ,in arte Flux Pavilion, è un producer electro-dubstep inglese.In attesa del primo album,l'artista 23enne continua a pubblicare svariati remix e inediti.L'ultimo della serie è "Daydreamer"(n.39 in Uk chart) col rapper Example.Quasi una ballad per il suo genere con alcuni spunti interessanti come la coda finale con gli archi in primo piano.



I’m a hood daydreamer now
Escape to another world
Live for another day
Escape to another world
I’m a hood daydreamer now
Escape to another world
Live for another day
I’m a hood daydreamer now
Verse 1:
We spend our life in the rain
Every day feels the same
When I awake in the morning no, no
We feel like our work is done
And sit and wait for the sun
But it’s hot in our eyes
Verse 2:
We spend our life in the rain
Every day feels the same
When I awake in the morning no, no
We feel like our work is done
And sit and wait for the sun (so young)
I’m a hood daydreamer now
Escape to another world
Live for another day
Escape to another world
I’m a hood daydreamer now
Escape to another world
Live for another day
We feel like our work is done
And sit and wait for the sun (so young)
I’m a hood daydreamer now
Don’t have to be told
Don’t have to grow old
(I’m a hood daydreamer now)
Don’t have to be told
Don’t have to grow old
(I’m a hood daydreamer now)
Don’t have to be told
Don’t have to grow old
(I’m a hood daydreamer now)
Don’t have to be told
(Live for another day)
Don’t have to grow old
(Live for another day)
I’m a hood daydreamer now


Voto 6/10


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