7 g(1 pacchetto) di lievito di birra disidratato
1 cucchiaino di miele biologico250-300 ml d’acqua5-7 cucchiaino di olio extravergine di Oliva (estratto a freddo e biologico)*200 g di farina Manitobabiologica350 g farina di grano integrale biologico1 cucchiaino di sale dell'Himalaya+ Olive verdi (per la superficie) Setaccia le farine in una ciotola capiente e aggiungi il sale. Utilizza ilcucchiaio di legno per mescolare gradualmente il lievito, l'acqua, l'olio extravergine di oliva e il miele biologico. Fai un impasto abbastanza morbido. Trasferisci su un piano di lavoroleggermente infarinato e impasta per dieci minuti, o fino a che non sarà liscio ed elastico. Forma una palla e sistemala in una ciotola unta d'olio. Copri con un panno e posto in un luogo tiepido a lievitare per 6 ore. Dividi l'impasto in palline 8-10 organizzandole e distanziandole su una teglia oleata. Spargi e premere le olive verdi in superficie, e lascia lievitare per 1 ora. Preriscalda il forno a 220 ° C e cuoci per 10 minuti, o fino a che non saranno ben gonfie e dorate. ***7 g (1 packages) active dry yeast1 teaspoon organic honey250-300 ml water5-7 teaspoon extra virgin olive oil ( cold extraction and organic )*200 g Manitoba organic flour350 g whole wheat organic flour 1 teaspoon Himalaya salt+ Green Olives (For the surface)Sift both flours and salt into a large bowl. Use the wooden spoon to gradually stir the yeast, the water, the extra virgin olive oil and the organic honey. Make a fairly soft dough. Transfer to a lightly floured work surface and knead for ten minutes, or until smooth and elastic. Shape into a ball and place in a oiled bowl. Cover with a cloth and place in awarm place to risefor 6 hours. Divide the dough into 8-10 balls and arrange them, well spaced on an oiled baking sheet. Sprinkle and press the green on the surface, and let rise for 1 hour. Preheat the oven to 220°C and bake for 10 minutes, or until well risen and golden brown.

Suggerisco uno dei miei preferiti: Podere Forte, Siena Toscana. Amo il suo colore giallo topazio, il suo sapore intenso e fragrante ! Un perfetto equilibrio di note di amaro e piccante.Che durante la cottura non si perdono! Leggi di più http://www.podereforte.it/it/prodotti/altri-prodotti/olio-biologico/
I ‘d like to suggest you one of my favorite, made by Podere Forte, Siena Tuscany. I love his topaz yellow colour, his intense and fragrant flavour! A perfect balance of bitter and piquant notes. You don’t lost them after baking!
Read more here http://www.podereforte.it/en/products/other-products/organic-oil/*****

Recently I have discovered a new AMAZING brand. I say that as a woman who loves the natural skin /body care.
From the genius of two Tuscan entrepreneurs, Antonio Pieri and Ludovico Martelli, in 2008 was born the production of a new line of cosmetics that respects the environment, land and health: it is the Prima Spremitura of Idea Toscana, the first cosmetic line extra food which had obtained from the Ministry of Agriculture, the PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) as it is fully realized with Organic Toscano PGI Extra Virgin Olive Oil. The product line "Prima Spremitura" respects the raw material such as the Organic Toscano PGI Extra Virgin Olive Oil and its Production Regulation.
(Article from "Stile Naturale" - Copyright: Giulia Premilli)
Idea Toscana, with its Prima Spremitura Bio line of facial products, is at the forefront of the production of certified organic cosmetics. Thanks to the use of Organic Toscano PGI Extra Virgin Olive Oil blended with other selected organic oils and precious ingredients, these skin care products create a natural layer of protection from the damaging effects of sun, light, smog, and smoke. They also aid in the prevention of loss of elastin and collagen, key substances responsible for keeping skin hydrated and firm.
In recent months I have tried several products , body creams, many face creams , shower gel and shampoo . The last has been the Hair Conditioner , Fixing it mostly on the parts that need more care, the product develops an efficacious nutritious and restoring action helping to prevent the anti-aesthetic hair splits and confering to the hair vitality and an easy combing. Garanzie

Alla prossima, Tatiana