da "La Chimera" di Sebastiano Vassalli
There was a lot of smoke and then all the voices were silent while the smoke began to clear, all eyes stared through the smoke, where there was the witch. The flames crackled higher, the night became as clear as day, the tongues of fire mixed into a single flare-up that went-up in the sky still dark .... They saw the witch's hair vanish into the light, and her lips that opened in a soundless scream.
from "The Chimera" by Sebastiano Vassalli

photo:Paolo Prevedini

Abito tulle ricamato anni '20, guanti lana C'N'C' Costume National, cappello lana e paillettes Morgan de Toi, sciarpa Brooksfield, anfibi vintage
20's embroidered tulle dress, C'N'C' Costume National wool gloves, Morgan de Toi wool and sequins, Brooksfield scarf, vintage boots
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