Neeeext! Maybe celebrities lauching perfumes and fashion lines weren’t enough. So, here it comes Geri Halliwell, with her beachwear collection. Does she hope to replicate the success of her friend Victoria Beckham?
Presentata qualche giorno fa a Londra all’hotel Savoy, la collezione Geri by next vuole “infondere sicurezza con costumi fantastici a donne di tutte le taglie” Non solo bikini, però. Geri ha disegnato anche abiti e parei. E se durante la serata si è affidata a modelle professioniste, per il catalogo ha preferito fare da sola.
Shown a few days ago at Savoy Hotel in London, the collection named Geri by Next wants to “inspiring confidence with great looking swimwear for all body shapes.’ Not just bikini. Geri designed some dresses too. And even if during the preview she chose professional models, she modeled by herself in the catalogue.
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