Magazine Calcio
Germania, rissa in discoteca e ricovero per portiere wolfsburg - germany, brawl in disco and admission for wolfsburg goalkeeper
Creato il 10 maggio 2010 da RollingballsBad adventure for Wolfsburg goalkeeper, Andre Lenz, who last night was stabbed outside a disco. He was involved in a fight and was struck by several stab wounds, but fortunately not life threatening. Another three people were injured seriously.It's not clear why that sparked the brawl. Lenz was in a nightclub along with several teammates to celebrate the 3-1 victory against Eintracht Frankfurt and the end of the season. "Witnesses say conflicting things - said a police spokesman in Wolfsburg - so we need to do further investigation and questioning other people who were in the room at the time of the episode." Also it remains to understand how it was possible that a man known by all for his gentleness as Lenz has been involved in the brawl and what role he has played. The most important thing at the moment, however, that the 36-year old player is in no danger of life. "I'm fine, I was lucky in my misfortune. I hope to leave the hospital the next day", said the German footballer.
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