There were enough products, various glazes, mono, duo and trio eyeshadows, blush, foundation, in short, everything. I must say that prices are very good, now we need to see the quality:)
I'm a fan of pigments and when I saw them I have not been able to resist, and I've taken 3 even if I wanted to catch them all because they are really cute!

GOSH Effect Powder può essere utilizzato come un ombretto. Questa polvere lucida può dare sia un forte colore o essere sfumata come un illuminante. Può anche essere mescolato con altri colori di ombretti per un effetto drammatico.
Consiglio dell'esperto: Applicare uno strato sottile di GOSH WATERPROOF & SHIMMERING EYE SHADOW sotto la polvere per un colore più intenso.Vi dico subito che il WATERPROOF & SHIMMERING EYE SHADOW è un ombretto stick cremoso quindi va bene un qualsiasi ombretto in crema che avete.They are Effect Powder, I payed 11 euro for one. On the site (CLICK!) they're described like this:EFFECT POWDEREffects wherever you likeA small glass jar with an incredibly silky, iridescent powder in a variety of colors. GOSH EFFECT POWDER can be used as an eye shadow. This shiny powder can give either a strong color effect or be faded out for a shivering effect as a highlighter. Can also be mixed with other colors of eye shadows for a dramatic effect. INSIDER TIP: Apply a thin layer of GOSH WATERPROOF & SHIMMERING EYE SHADOW underneath the effect powder for more intense color.
Veniamo al packaging. Le jar sono appunto di vetro con tappo nero a vite e come vedete dalla foto hanno un tappino trasparente; questo tappino si solleva a sotto ci sono i forellini per far uscire una piccola quantità di prodotto. Devo dire che questa cosa di poter chiudere i forellini prima di mettere il tappo vero e proprio, mi è piaciuta molto perché così si evita di disperdere il prodotto nel tappo nero e quando si apre non vi cade dappertutto.Let's see the packaging. The glass jar has a black screw-cap and, as you can see from the picture, it has a transparent cap; this cap is raised to bottom and there are holes to let out a small amount of product. I must say I like so much this thing to close the holes before putting the black cap, because it prevents release of the product in the black cap and when you open will not falls everywhere.Passiamo ai colori; io ho preso per ora PLUMMY, HOLOGRAPHIC EFFECT e MERINGUE. La prima foto è fatta alla luce naturale, la seconda è fatta con il flash.Let's see colors; I have PLUMMY, HOLOGRAPHIC SILVER and MERINGUE. I made the first pictureon natural light and the second one with flash.

The powder has the right consistency, thin but not too, it still requires a base otherwise the first gust of wind goes away.

Metallic gray silver with multicolor highlights. The powder is very thin, and it is far too scattered everywhere. Absolutely requires a base and even so it is difficult to spread. Be tested wet, I think will improve.

This candy pink captured me immediately. It has delicate gold reflections, very elegant and spring. Gradient gives a nice finish. The dust has the right consistency, you can blend very well without basis, but if you just rub it will go away so it requires a base.