Magazine Lifestyle

Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto

Da Inazumaluke
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Dulcis in fundo... Protomoto by Plan B motorcycles ha riscosso consensi pressocchè unanimi al Gran Ferro dove è risultata The best of show. Una moto costruita in cantina e con amore dal suo proprietario Christian in modo interamente artigianale. Ma la storia l'abbiamo già raccontata qui all'Inazuma cafè lo scorso gennaio.
Last but don’t least… Protomoto by Plan B motorcycles, best of the Gran Ferro show, received unanimous approval. A bike built in the cellar and completely handcrafted with love by his owner Christian. But we have already told this story here at the Inazuma Cafe last January.
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto
Gran Ferro CR Contest #5: Protomoto

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