Gran Turismo 5, la patch 2.02 arriverà il 21 dicembre con un nuovo Dlc ed alcune auto

Creato il 15 dicembre 2011 da Edoedo77

Aggiornamenti e dlc in arrivo per Gran Turismo 5. Polyphony Digital ha annunciato che il prossimo contenuto aggiuntivo si chiamerà Car Pack 2 ed aggiungerà allo sconfinato parco auto del gioco di automobilismo esclusivo per PlayStation 3, la Mini Cooper S; Volkswagen Golf VI R; Volkswagen Scirocco R, e la 2012 Nissan GT-R Black edition R35 al prezzo di 3,99 euro. Saranno inclusi anche 10 biglietti omaggio per i servizi GT Auto.
Il pack arriverà il 21 dicembre con l’aggiornamento 2.02 che includerà alcune modifiche al game-play ed alle opzioni e darà, anch’esso, una nuova automobile: la Toyota FT-86 2012 (che potete vedere nella foto allegata alla news).
A seguire la lista dei cambiamenti dell’aggiornamento.

  • Users can now change wheels on Standard cars
  • The settings sheets will include a new ‘copy’ feature
  • In GT Auto, players will be able to see how the oil changes, aerodynamic parts, engine overhauls, and racing modifications will affect performance points and engine power, before and after their application
  • Free coupons have been added that allow you to wash cars, change oil, overhaul your engine, or refresh the car body in GT Auto (10 coupons will be distributed for free to each of those who have downloaded the 2.02 update)
  • Pressing the Square button in the car coupon selection screen of the Car Delivery will now allow you to exchange all car coupons at once, rather than doing one at a time
  • In screens where the [Garage] and [Driver List] buttons are displayed in the A/B Spec events, Special Events, and Seasonal Events, pressing the Square button will now show the [Garage], and pressing the Triangle button will bring up the drivers list
  • In My Lounge, the room settings will feature a new ‘Max. number of participants’ setting
  • In the event selection screen of seasonal events, there are now ☆(star) marks that show the number of Gold Trophies attained in each event
  • Improved racing sound effects
  • Elements of the steering assist controls (used when using certain controllers on Racing Karts) have been tweaked .

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