Abbiamo scritto una breve scheda sinottica, inserita come al solito nella pagina delle letture di Tatiyak:
"Groenlandia Manhattan" è una piccola opera d'arte realizzata dalla disegnatrice francese Chloé Cruchaudet ed edito in Italia dalla raffinata casa editrice Coconino Press: buona lettura!
A very good book for the summer, a perfect comic-strip to be readen on the beach, a great story about Greenland. And about a little Inuit called Minik, who meet the famous explorer Robert Peary and change his life moving to the United States, a completely different world not necessarely better...
We have put a brief file in the lecture page on the Tatiyak web site, unfortunately just in Italian, sorry.
"Greenland Manhattan" is a beautiful work of art made by the French artist Chloé Cruchaudet and published in Italy by the sophisticated Coconino Press: have a good lecture!