Finalmente troviamo un trucco molto particolare, un'acconciatura molto attuale come lo chiffon...
Noteworthy is also the parade of Gucci,
geometric patterns combined with access (such as bracelets) featuring an animal,
bags with python print, breaking up the monotony of the geometry of the clothes ...
Even Gucci alternates with big bags of small clutch to carry by hand,
so I recommend girls, this spring we will have well-equipped with two types of bags,
greater for the day, even with prints animalistic and a small bag
to take with us the night ...
But back to the fashion show, Gucci experiments, the combination, black-white-bronze,
very nice also the combination of emerald green-black-bronze ...Finally we find a very special make-up, hairstyle very
current as chiffon ...
{Trucco e capelli}