Magazine Passione Motori
Dopo l’high school, iniziò a frequentare l’Academy of Art Univerity di San Francisco. Vivendo dall’altra parte della baia, ad Oakland era costretta ad utilizzare i mezzi pubblici per andare e tornare da S. Francisco. Dopo un anno Guenevere non ne poteva più di attraversare continuamente il Bay Bridge e fu in quel momento che Guenevere, grazie al consiglio di un amico che le consigliò di comprarne una per agevolare i suoi spostamenti, comperò la sua prima motocicletta innamorandosene perdutamente. Da quel momento le moto divennero la sua principale fonte d’ispirazione artistica.
Lei stessa dice della sua ispirazione:
“In my motorcycle series the inspiration came directly from the freedom and excitement I feel while riding. I use a modern approach to photorealism, with an emphasis on utilizing technology to develop my ideas. Often I will take the paintings beyond the photograph by modifying the visual elements of the shot itself, or by taking the bikes out of context. By doing this I focus more on composition and move away from the confines of the camera. My motorcycles are powerful and sexy, but they're also playful. All of my paintings come from a perspective of child-like abandon, which tends to contrast with the intensity of the finished artwork. The selection of the subject, as well as my bold bright color pallet, is rooted in a desire to escape the responsibilities of adult life and return to the vigor and care-free innocence of youth.”
The Artist at work: “ 9 Foot Ducati”
Honorable Mention, California Open - Santa Cruz Art League 2008
Jentel Artist Residency - Banner, WY, Feb 15th - March 13th, 2008
2nd Place Over All - California Open, Long Beach Arts 2007
2nd Place Best Contemporary painting - Academy of Art Spring Show 2006
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