I haven't write anything in the past days because I have to do a lot of things, sorry!
Today I finally can write something and I remember it's Halloween. I won't do anything tonight but I want to celebrate this evening beacuse, if I was an american child, I'll really go crazy for this day and if I was a n old american girl I'll prepare a lot of sweeties to give to all the little monsters that knock at my door!Ecco una carrellata di simpatiche immagini per ricordarci che questa è soprattutto una bella festa per tutti i bambini!
Now I leave you some amazing photos in order to remember that this evening is especially dedicated to all children in the world!
Se siete dei fan della caccia alle streghe non potete perdervi questo interessantissimo post: Catch the witch!If you are a witch catching fan, you'll like this post: Catch the witchBuon Halloween a grandi e piccini!!
Happy Halloween to everybody!!Credits: Tutte le immagini provengono da Pinterst.