Tutti i trofei sono noti, quindi occhio a possibili spoiler.

- Ballistic Trauma-Complete 'Ballistic Trauma' in Story Mode
- Boom Headshot!-Decapitate 200 mutants
- Carny-Complete 'Carny' in Story Mode
- Creeping Flesh-Complete 'Creeping Flesh' in Story Mode
- De-Generation-Collect 10 LPs
- Decom-Poster Child-Collect 15 posters
- Dis-Figurine Collection-Collect 15 figurines
- Fully Loaded-Fully upgrade any weapon
- Goregasm!-Achieve a Goregasm
- Graphic Horror-Collect 17 comic book pages
- Hardcore-Complete any level in Director's Cut without using any continues
- I'll Try Anything Once-Play each minigame through to completion once
- Jailhouse Judgment-Complete 'Jailhouse Judgment' in Story Mode
- Merchant of Menace-Buy a new weapon
- Naked Terror-Complete 'Naked Terror' in Story Mode
- Overkill-Complete all levels in Story Mode
- Papa's Palace of Pain-Complete 'Papa's Palace of Pain' in Story Mode
- Power of the Mind-Complete any level with the targeting crosshair off
- Scream Train-Complete 'Scream Train' in Story Mode
- Suffer Like G Did-Complete any level with only one health segment remaining
- The Fetid Waters-Complete 'The Fetid Waters' in Story Mode
- Toasty!-Kill 5 or more mutants with one grenade
- Weak At The Knees-Maintain a Goregasm for 2 minutes
- Yakuza-Kill 100 mutants 'Gangster Style' (holding gun sideways)

- Bad Conductor-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Scream Train'
- Caesar's Salad-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Papa's Palace of Pain'
- Clown Shoes-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Carny'
- Doctors and Nurses-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Ballistic Trauma'
- Jail Bird-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Jailhouse Judgment'
- Lab Rat-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Overkill'
- Lights, Camera, Headshot!-Complete all levels in Director's Cut
- Meat Packer-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Creeping Flesh'
- Never Runs Dry-Complete a level without triggering an enforced reload (i.e. reaching zero bullets)
- Private Dance-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'Naked Terror'
- Swamp Monster-Complete all CHALLENGES for 'The Fetid Waters'

- Be My Valentine, Jill-Unlock all unlockables and purchase all weapons
- Do You Feel Lucky?-Complete all levels in Classic Mode without using any continues
- Extreme Hardcore-Complete all Director's Cut levels in Hardcore Mode
- Perfect Victory-Achieve an S rank for all levels in Story Mode or Director's Cut

- The House of the Dead: Overlord-Unlock all trophies