Magazine Cultura

Hugh Laurie - You Don't Know My Mind - Video Testo Traduzione

Creato il 18 maggio 2011 da Lesto82

musica,video,testi,traduzioni,hugh laurie,video hugh laurie,testi hugh laurie,traduzioni hugh laurie

Hugh Laurie si prepara ad uscire dal personaggio del Dr.House(manca una sola stagione al termine della serie) e si porta avanti reinventandosi in un credibilissimo blues-man a suo agio con piano,chitarre ed una voce trascinante.L'album "Let Them Talk" è andato oltre ogni aspettativa centrando la top10 in molti Paesi(n.2 in Uk).E' un lavoro da ascoltare per intero ma un singolo c'è e si intitola "You Don't Know My Mind",in linea con l'eleganza oxfordiana che caratterizza tutto il disco.







Walking down the levee with my head hangin' low
Looking for my mama but she ain’t here no more
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
She won’t cook my dinner, won’t wash my clothes
Won’t do nothing but walk the road
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
My breakfast on the table and my coffee’s getting cold
And mama’s in the kitchen getting a sweet papa talk
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
Sometimes I think my baby’s too good to die
Sometimes I think she should be buried alive
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
I wish I had a nickel, I wish I had a dime
I wish I hadn’t give myself a fabulous time
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
Look at you mama, see what you got it done
You got my money now you broke and run
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying
You made me get mad and you made me get sad
The going gets tougher than you aint never had
Baby you don’t know, you don’t know my mind
When you see me laughing, I’m laughing just to keep from crying.





Voto 8/10




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