Le dosi sono per due persone come piatto unico servito con una bella insalata fresca.
- 3 piccole patate
- 3 cipolle
- 4 fiori di zucca
- 1 spicchio d'aglio
- 1 mazzetto di prezzemolo
- 1 fetta di pane
- qualche cucchiaio di latte
- 1 manciata di grana grattugiato
- olio extravergine d'oliva
- 1 noce di burro
- sale
- pepe
In summertime at my mom's, as if by magic, large pans of stuffed vegetables appear. That is to honour the best summer vegetables, to use the large amounts of veggies from the garden, to make us daughters happy. Yes, we love stuffed vegetables but we are too lazy to make them for ourselves. The vegetables for this dish are usually potatoes, onions, zucchini flowers and zucchini, all filled with flavoured meat, the same mixture used for meatballs or tasty meatloaf. They are baked and cooked all together, a delight. Sister number 4, however, does not eat meat so our mother has created a potato filling suitable for her but we all like it very much. Today I thought I'd use this stuffing, as we ate meat last night, I made a small tray of zucchini flowers and onions, the only vegetables that I had at hand tat were suitable for this dish. The following ingredients are for two people as a main dish served with a fresh salad.
- 3 small potatoes
- 3 onions
- 4 zucchini flowers
- 1 clove of garlic
- 1 bunch of parsley
- 1 slice of bread
- a few tablespoons of milk
- 1 handful of grated parmesan
- extra virgin olive oil
- 1 knob of butter
- salt
- pepper
Soffriggete l'aglio e il prezzemolo nel burro a fuoco moderato.
Fry the garlic and parsley in butter over moderate heat.
Passate le patate nel passaverdura o utilizzate lo schiacciapatate e raccoglietele in una ciotola capiente.
Pass the potatoes throw a food mill or use a potato masher and collect them in a large bowl.
Aggiungete alle patate il grana, l'aglio e il prezzemolo soffritti, il pane ammollato e strizzato, sale, pepe e l'olio. Mescolate fino ad ottenere un composto omogeneo.
To the potatoes add the parmesan, cooked garlic and parsley, the soaked and squeezed bread, a pinch of salt, some freshly milled pepper and a glug of oil. Stir until the mixture is smooth.
Sbucciate e tagliate la cima e la base delle cipolle poi tagliatele a metà e facendo pressione con un dito dividete gli strati tenendoli uniti a due a due.
Peel and cut the top and the base of the onions then cut in half then push with a finger dividing the layers keeping them together in pairs.
Accendete il forno a 200°. Con l'aiuto di un cucchiaio farcite le cipolle premendo bene il ripieno all'interno.
Preheat the oven to 200°C. Stuff the onions with the help of a spoon pressing down the filling.
Girate delicatamente i fiori di zucca, teneteli aperti e farciteli, chiudete i petali sul ripieno formando dei fagottini.
Gently turn the flowers, keep them open and fill them, close the petals over the filling to make a sort of dumpling.
Oliate leggermente una teglia, sistemateci sopra le verdure, condite con un ulteriore filo d'olio e infornate per circa 30 minuti o fino a che che verdure sono cotte e il ripieno dorato. Servite tiepidi o freddi.
Lightly oil a baking tray, fill it with the vegetables, season with another drizzle of olive oil and bake for about 30 minutes or until vegetables are cooked and the filling is golden. Serve warm or cold.