Magazine Cucina
English Version
Sometimes we just don’t want or don’t have enough time to cook, and so we resort to junk food so that we don’t skip a meal, and when we get to dinner we are starving. With a bit of organization, however, we can whip up a quick and satisfying lunch. Just take a piece of bread dough, which should always be available in the fridge, and roll it out thinly. You are doing a kind of flat pita bread that’ll be the base for your dish. Heat a heavy-bottomed pan. Open the fridge and take out some cheese, some cold cuts or leftover cooked meat like some kind of roast or meatloaf, otherwise you can fetch a can of tuna or other fish, or any dip like hummus, and finally a salad, or any cooked vegetables such as broccoli rabe or broccoli. Coarsely grate your cheese or cut it into thin slices, heat your meat or fish and vegetables if they were cooked or wash your salad and cut the cold cuts into slices. Bake the bread dough in the pan, making sure that it doesn’t burn. Turn it and add the cheese. Cover the pan with a lid and let the cheese melt. Place the bread on a plate and add the cold cut of your choice. the salad or your meat, fish, dip, cooked vegetables and serve. In a few minutes you will have a hot tasty and substantial meal. The variations are endless!
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