Magazine Salute e Benessere
Il kiwi fa aumentare l'immunità innata sulla superficie della mucosa intestinale / Whole kiwifruit confers gut health and immune benefits both directly and indirectly through prebiotic effects
Creato il 06 marzo 2011 da LadottoressanonscherzaFood & Nutrition Science Group Leader at Plant and Food Research in New Zealand, Dr Ansell leads research exploring the interactions between food, the human gut and the resident microbial ecosystem. The core of her research programme is to examine the specific changes in the composition and activity of the gastrointestinal microflora by eating kiwifruit. This novel research, presented for the first time anywhere in the world, will describe the role of kiwifruit in promoting immune tolerance (or good immunity) rather than inflammation (bad immunity) through a gut mediated mechanism.The central core of this research programme was to examine the specific changes in the composition and activity of the gastrointestinal microflora brought about by eating kiwifruit.Through understanding the changes to kiwifruit through digestion, carbohydrate chemical analysis, microbiology and mucosal immunology/morphology we have come up with some potential mechanisms of action. The carbohydrate chemistry is essential for understanding the mechanism of prebiotic action via carbohydrate degradation by the microbes.We have established that consumption of whole kiwifruit generates changes in gut micro-morphology and functionality via enhancing the growth and /or metabolism of commensal/beneficial bacteria. These bacterial-dependent components - independently/concomitantly with digestible kiwifruit components (specifically carbohydrates) serve to enhance innate immunity at the mucosal gut surface. We put forwards the hypothesis that the role of kiwifruit may be as ‘priming’ rather than ‘activating’ the immune response so that it promotes immune tolerance (or good immunity) rather than inflammation (bad immunity) through a gut mediated mechanism.
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