Magazine Cucina
Yesterday i had my first italian cooking course and i am very satisfied about how it went! The they before i was a little afraid and i had anxiety thinking about explaining and teaching something to other persons, but everything went fine, in fact even better than i expected. Between talking and drinking good wine i explained in broad terms the basic rules for all the preparations, starting from the appetizers and the tasting of them after i prepared all at home. Various salads (caprese, potatoes, tomatoes), pinzimonio, eggs and tuna cream were just some of the suggestions, then we moved on to the practical part with the making of bucatini all'amatriciana and chocolate salami. Everyone contributed making a part of every recipe and in the end we sat at the table to taste our dishes! Well i have to say that for being the first time the results were appreciated, every student also got a folder with the printed recipes, some tips, an italian-dutch cooking dictionary, a list of the wines to pair and a magnet i made myself. I hope to repeat the experience! Now i leave some pictures of the day, see you soon!
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