Iain Henderson, terza linea di Ulster espulso nel match contro Munster di settimana scorsa, potrà scendere in campo sabato prossimo allo Scotstoun Stadium di Glasgow contro i Warriors.
Lo ha deciso il comitato disciplinare del Pro12- formato da tre gallesi - che si è riunito oggi e che ha "sconfessato" la decisione di Nigel Owens.
Di seguito il testo del comunicato stampa del Pro12 con la sentenza:
" Iain Henderson, the Ulster back row forward, appeared today before an independent PRO12 Rugby Disciplinary Committee, following the red card he received for striking with the head in the Guinness PRO12 match against Munster at Kingspan Stadium, Belfast on Saturday May 9th.
The Disciplinary Committee, chaired by Roger Morris, along with Rhian Williams and Ray Wilton (all from Wales), having viewed the footage of the incident and listened to representations by and on behalf of Mr Henderson, decided that the act did not warrant a red card. Having viewed the incident in close-up (which the match referee had not been able to do at the time), the Disciplinary Committee concluded that the player's initial contact with his opponent had not in fact been with his head but with his arm. The Disciplinary Committee imposed no sanction on the player, who is free to resume playing immediately".