Anglican Church announced the publication of three prayers dedicated clearly to World Cup in South Africa. Two are for the general good of all participants while the third is simply designed for people who are not interested in the tournament. Specifically, the first is for who is involved in the World Cup, fans, players or any other role, the other one is for South Africa that hosts the championship and then the last is for those who must endure constant football bombardment. The prayers are suitable both for private use but also in churches."More than half population prays every time" - said Nick Baines, Bishop of Croydon, Liverpool fan, who worked on the wording of the prayers.The bishop told to 'Times' - "Everybody in one way or another, will be touched by World Cup. That's why it's important to have prayers for those who wish to use". So, in addition to a sport competition, it will be an opportunity for harmony among the participating nations: "Not just about football - added Baines - Also all nations around the world will celebrate with people of South Africa".While prayers for those who follow the World Cup wonder "health and correct matches", in speeches to non-supporters are asked to "be patient". "Oh Lord, now that everyone in our neighborhood is taken by football fever, give us understanding, fortify with patience and grant the gift of empathy when we need it. Amen". Anglican Church has already published prayers about daily life themes for people who have a family problem or need to present an examination.
Inghilterra, chiesa anglicana dedica tre preghiere al mondiale - england, anglican church dedicates three prayers to world cup
Creato il 24 maggio 2010 da RollingballsAnglican Church announced the publication of three prayers dedicated clearly to World Cup in South Africa. Two are for the general good of all participants while the third is simply designed for people who are not interested in the tournament. Specifically, the first is for who is involved in the World Cup, fans, players or any other role, the other one is for South Africa that hosts the championship and then the last is for those who must endure constant football bombardment. The prayers are suitable both for private use but also in churches."More than half population prays every time" - said Nick Baines, Bishop of Croydon, Liverpool fan, who worked on the wording of the prayers.The bishop told to 'Times' - "Everybody in one way or another, will be touched by World Cup. That's why it's important to have prayers for those who wish to use". So, in addition to a sport competition, it will be an opportunity for harmony among the participating nations: "Not just about football - added Baines - Also all nations around the world will celebrate with people of South Africa".While prayers for those who follow the World Cup wonder "health and correct matches", in speeches to non-supporters are asked to "be patient". "Oh Lord, now that everyone in our neighborhood is taken by football fever, give us understanding, fortify with patience and grant the gift of empathy when we need it. Amen". Anglican Church has already published prayers about daily life themes for people who have a family problem or need to present an examination.
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