Inghilterra, il nuovo presidente del liverpool: "da 55 anni tifo chelsea" - england, new liverpool president: "i'm a chelsea fan since 55 years"
Creato il 01 maggio 2010 da RollingballsThe new Liverpool president is a Chelsea fan. These are Martin Broughton's words on team official web site. He reveals that tomorrow will not follow the match between Liverpool and Chelsea because he is since 55 years a supporter of the London Blues. "We can not wait for a true fan who has supported the club for 55 years, as in my case, it can suddenly turn into a rival fan. When you follow a team all the time like I did, is in the blood - has Broughton said, recently appointed to manage the sale of the club - All the old Liverpool fan will understand what I feel. I can not come to the stadium tomorrow and express some emotion, because it would be a lack of respect for the supporters of Liverpool".
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