Magazine Calcio
Inghilterra, polemiche e chiusura per il capello-index sui calciatori - england, squabbles and closure for capello-index on players
Creato il 12 maggio 2010 da RollingballsFollowing squabbles occurred in the British press, the launch of Fabio Capello' s rating site has been closed and postponed until after the World Cup. Yesterday all the newspapers criticized heavily England coach for giving his name to the so-called Capello-Index, an index that rates performances of players. The site - presented at the London Stock Exchange - had to debut at the start of the World Cup, reviewing and evaluating also England matches.With an algorithm developed by the CT system can measure changes in the technical and competitive values of various players within two hours after the end of each World Cup game. The index-Capello will also cover other competitions like Champions and Europe League, Premier League and Serie A. A potential conflict of interests, even before the embarrassing inconvenient for Capello - the Times writes - "likely to fight for the reputation". "What are you playing, Fabio?" is the controversial question of the Sun. So, trehe was intervention by the English Football Association that has advised to delay the onset of the website at the end of World in South Africa. According to the Daily Mail, "Capello scored the first own goal of his term at the helm of England". The Index-Capello "puts players in England unique position of being publicly judged by their manager during the tournament". The coach of Pieris has tried to defend himself: "It's for fans and for the interest I have in football", Capello said in a statement reported by the Daily Mail. The coach ensures that the statistics are not sufficient to evaluate a player: "There's also the psychological aspect" he emphasizes. Apparently, however, it isnn'tenough to convince English Federation.
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