Isabel marant / sneakers + platform

Creato il 28 marzo 2012 da Runaway
These are some of the Isabel Marant shoes , platform sneakers. Of course they are sold out, because they were the biggest trend of the winter, a must for summer 2012.  Isabel Marant is the go-to label for pared-down Parisian cool. Since launching her eponymous accessories line in 1989 (followed by womenswear in 1994), the designer's effortlessly hip aesthetic has made her the best-kept secret of the fashion world. Her boyish trophy jackets, sleek pants and easy-chic mini dresses are the uniform of models, fashion editors and style-setters alike.Queste sono alcuni delle scarpe Isabel Marant, scarpe da ginnastica con zeppaSono sold out ovunque . La grande tendenza dell'inverno scorso  e sta diventando un must per l'estate2012. Isabel Marant è il marchio  cool del centro parigino. Dal lancio della sua linea di accessori omonimo nel 1989 (seguita dalla donna nel 1994), il designer entra a far parte del mondo della modaLe sue giacche da maschiaccio, pantaloni eleganti e mini abiti easy-chic sono la divisa di modelle, redattori di moda e style-setter 

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