"Non mi curo di cosa la gente può direciò che la gente può dire su di me.Impacchetta i tuoi problemi e riprenditi il tuo vecchio sorriso"For my English friends: There is a song that has been the soundtrack to my holidays, a beautiful song that makes a fantastic day started badly, the chorus of this song is "tweet tweet tweet ..."The song tells: "I don’t care what the people may say
What the people may say about me
Pack up your troubles get your old grin back"This is the video: Per intenderci il video è questo:
Eliza Doolittle - Pack Up
Vi piace?
E così, ascoltando questa canzone è venuta fuori questa pagina, nonchè sfida proposta sul forum di Scrapbookiando.
Do you like it? Listen the music and cutting papers I've created this layout, new challenge on Scrapbookiando Forum.
I was inspired to the song title PACK UP and I used it on my layout.
TURQUOISE CARDSTOCK: turquoise as the room where the bands play.
BUTTONS: as the buttons on the table of the tailor shop
BIRDIES: inspired by "tweet tweet tweet" of the song. =)
Provate? Le canzoni ispirano molto allo scrap... anzi ora che ricordo... non solo le canzoni!! ;)
Pack up your troubles in you old kit bag and get your old grin back!
Sometimes we need to do it! Sorry for my bad English! ;)