The tires of the cars of some of Fiorentina players were pierced by unknown on April 25, outside a popular restaurant in Piazza Edison, in Florence, attended by team purple. To publish the news, the daily 'The Florence on newsstands today. The story that investigates the Digos, albeit with the usual reserve, is monitoring the situation: the tires were cut just hours after the debacle of the home team Prandelli against Chievo (2-0 defeat). A game which is liked by most of the stadium, so that the players were booed purple and five minutes from the end florins many supporters have decided to leave the bleachers. Investigators must determine whether it is treated only an act of vandalism, or if some fringe supporters wanted to send a sharp message to Montolivo and mates.
Italia, bucate gomme delle auto di alcuni calciatori della fiorentina - italy, holes in the tires' car for some fiorentina 's players
Creato il 05 maggio 2010 da RollingballsThe tires of the cars of some of Fiorentina players were pierced by unknown on April 25, outside a popular restaurant in Piazza Edison, in Florence, attended by team purple. To publish the news, the daily 'The Florence on newsstands today. The story that investigates the Digos, albeit with the usual reserve, is monitoring the situation: the tires were cut just hours after the debacle of the home team Prandelli against Chievo (2-0 defeat). A game which is liked by most of the stadium, so that the players were booed purple and five minutes from the end florins many supporters have decided to leave the bleachers. Investigators must determine whether it is treated only an act of vandalism, or if some fringe supporters wanted to send a sharp message to Montolivo and mates.
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