Stories of a single season, with goals unexpected and unexpected, even to the protagonists themselves. At the end of season happens that some revelation comes out like the one told by team doctor Alfonso De Nicola blue. Topic: a challenge signed by him and Campagnaro. As he wrote 'Il Roma' today, when defender arrived in Naples pursuing a voice said to be broken, but the doctor wrote a positive report on its behalf. 'Hugo, if you will follow me in work this season, are you sure that you will play 30 games'. The disbelief of the player: 'I've never played so much, why would I do that now?'. From the question of a bet is a short step: 'If you play 30 games you have to give me your Porsche'. De Nicola went on to beat cash Campagnaro said he had played 28, but the doctor said the two Cup in Italy. 'To me keys ...'.
Magazine Calcio
Italia, campagnaro perde porsche e scommessa con il medico sociale - italy, campagnaro loses porsche and bet with team doctor
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