Samuel Eto'o tries everything. Camerun striker, who came this year in Milan, Inter bank, has just bought a thousand square meters mega-apartment . This writes the 'Corriere dello Sport'. What's strange? The property bought by Inter striker is right in front of the home of city rivals AC Milan, in Via Turati. Eto'o has spent the beauty of 17 million euros. It's will be necessary about a year and a half to pay, considering the fact that the interaction and engagement that receives around 11.5 million euros. The former owner just a few weeks ago had rejected another offer of 13.5 million, apparently sniffing the deal. A deal for the Nerazzurri that can spy on the plans of Milan, in a real derby at home. Eto'o might spy through the windows of his new apartment Galliani's suspected meetings and report them to Moratti.
Italia, eto'o compra casa per spiare il milan - italy, eto'o buys house to spy a.c. milan
Creato il 26 aprile 2010 da RollingballsSamuel Eto'o tries everything. Camerun striker, who came this year in Milan, Inter bank, has just bought a thousand square meters mega-apartment . This writes the 'Corriere dello Sport'. What's strange? The property bought by Inter striker is right in front of the home of city rivals AC Milan, in Via Turati. Eto'o has spent the beauty of 17 million euros. It's will be necessary about a year and a half to pay, considering the fact that the interaction and engagement that receives around 11.5 million euros. The former owner just a few weeks ago had rejected another offer of 13.5 million, apparently sniffing the deal. A deal for the Nerazzurri that can spy on the plans of Milan, in a real derby at home. Eto'o might spy through the windows of his new apartment Galliani's suspected meetings and report them to Moratti.
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