Magazine Calcio
Italia, lippi: "quando chiesi agli azzurri di mostrare il sedere" - italy, lippi: "when i asked azzurri to show their ass"
Creato il 17 maggio 2010 da RollingballsOn "Gente", on sale today, the national coach Marcello Lippi on the eve of the next World Cup in South Africa, in which he will guide for the second time Azzurri, he celebrates the centenary of the Italian national team with so many curious anecdotes. "In Dortmund, in 2006, the day before the semi-final with Germany - reveals Lippi - in training I felt that someone was watching us, perhaps an indicator of our opponents. So I ordered to my players to turn their ass and show it all together in the direction of possible intruders. It would be the best photo of the national, but - says Lippi - the fact that this image has never been published makes me think that in reality there was nobody ". Speaking about players, the coach says: "Many people think that they are only spoiled. Instead, they are sensitive to social problems more than people could imagine. There isn't always need of television when you do charity. Many of them behave in this way without showing off and let people know "
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