Eating? It is one of the pleasures and I do not give up of course! I am convinced not all that is tasty is necessarily "sguncio" (a term we use with my friends and that in our language means very good, very caloric and not necessarily healthy. Warning! It is not an Italian correct word !). A tasty food can also be healthy. The trick is quality of the ingredients or the foods . Let me give you an example. Yesterday I ate a wrapped focaccia. Well I didn't like it ! I could feel the taste of alcohol in this focaccia (as it happens in many slices of sandwich bread). It is completely different the focaccia made by the skilled hands of a baker. Have you ever smelt the parfum of fresh focaccia? So gorgeous. Stop this long introduction ! I'm going to tell you some news names of dishes that you can find on the Italian menus. Here's a healthy lunch.
for more names
brazino e ravioli
Maccheroni, spaghetti e pesce persico
Lavarello e insalata.
Seppioline su letto di valeriana
(buone , gustose e poco caloriche)
( poteva mancare? io non posso pranzare senza!)
budino alla vaniglia con marmellata di fragole