location: Terni, Italy
photograph: Giacomo
period: june 2012

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012
Dispor l'alme cortesi a tanta noia
Delle favole nostre fanciullesche,
A compatirci ed a dispor le mani
A qualche segno di perdon, di festa?

location: Terni, Italy
photograph: Giacomo
period: june 2012
Con questi versi si conclude La donna serpente, fiaba teatrale di Carlo Gozzi, drammaturgo veneziano a cavallo tra '700 e '800.
Poco tempo fa, a Terni, ho avuto il piacere di vedere la fiaba messa in scena dagli attori della Compagnia Teatrale della prestigiosa scuola di recitazione Mumos, all'interno del saggio finale del loro triennio.
Poco dopo, a Firenze ho trovato, lungo l'Arno, una deliziosa cartoleria fornitissima di piccoli teatrini in carta, rappresentanti il teatro tradizionale con le maschere tipiche.
These are the final verses of La donna serpente (the snake woman), the theatrical fable by Carlo Gozzi, the Venetian playwright lived between 700 and 800.
Not long ago, in Terni, I had the pleasure of seeing the fairy tale staged by actors of the prestigious acting school Mumos's Theatre Company, in the final essay of their three-year period.
Shortly after, I found in Florence, along the Arno, a lovely stationery full of little theatres made of paper, representing the traditional theater with masks.

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012
Pronti? Ora, prendete tutti gli ingredienti, mescolate... e spero possiate goder del risultato! :)
Ready? Now, take all the ingredients, mix ... and I hope you'll enjoy the result! :)

location: Terni, Italy
photograph: Giacomo
period: june 2012

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

location: Terni, Italy
photograph: Giacomo
period: june 2012

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012

location: Terni, Italy
photograph: Giacomo
period: june 2012

location: Florence, Italy
photograph: Costanza Saglio
period: june 2012
A me piace da morire, quest'Italia qui.
A presto!
This is the Italy I love the most.
See you soon!